Lo1-Information System
1. Explain Information System
information system is where that we can get news from internet or social media. from there we can research info.
2.Explain the type of information and give example:
- Qualitative
- Quantitative
- Primary
- Secondary
Qualitative is
when descriptive statements can be made about a subject based on observations, interviews or evaluations.One way to remember this is that the word qualitative is similar to the word quality.
The Example:
- Beautiful
- Brave
- Clever
- Clumsy
- Conservative
- Dumb
- Easy-going
YourDictionary. (2017). Qualitative Examples. [online] Available at: http://examples.yourdictionary.com/qualitative-examples.html [Accessed 13 Jun. 2017].
Quantitative is data that uses numbers.
The Example:
- 98% of the graduating high school class is going to college.
- In a first grade classroom there are 12 girls and 9 boys.
- i received 20 emails this morning
YourDictionary. (2017). Examples of Quantitative . [online] Available at: http://examples.yourdictionary.com/examples-of-quantitative.html [Accessed 13 Jun. 2017].
Primary information collected from sources such as personal interviews, questionnaires or surveys with a specific intention and on a specific subject, and observation and discussion by the researcher him or herself, which information is then assessed by that person.
Data collected by a student for his/her thesis or research project.
Secondary information that is already available somewhere, whether it be in journals, on the internet, in a company's records or, on a larger scale, in corporate or governmental archives.
Example:Census data being used to analyze the impact of education on career choice and earning.
communitymedicine4asses. (2013). Types of Data: Primary and Secondary data. [online] Available at: https://communitymedicine4asses.wordpress.com/2013/01/07/types-of-data-primary-and-secondary-data/ [Accessed 13 Jun. 2017].